Thanks to Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly and Sacramento County Supervisor Don Nottoli for their support and participation in “5G, EMF and Your Health: A Symposium at Elk Grove City Hall.” The event was held on June 11, 2019 and was attended by 40 + people. We had presentations followed by a panel of our presenters answering audience questions. Mayor Ly and Supervisor Nottoli moderated that discussion.

Near the end of the Q & A Mayor Ly recommended that we send all of the audience questions, which audience members had written down on index cards, to the panelists for their written answers. The panelists had answered some but not all of the audience questions.
You can download the audience questions and panelists’ answers here:
We had a professional videographer videotape the event. We are still editing the video and correcting some of the errors in it. When it is ready the video will be posted here but it may be a long time because there were multiple problems with the video and fixing it is not at the top of my priority list.
Tillie Fong wrote an excellent, thorough article about the Symposium for the Elk Grove Tribune.