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Take Action Tuesday Jan 12 2021

Take Action Tuesday 

January 12, 2021 

Dear Reader,

If you live in Elk Grove please take a moment to send in your public comment to the school board about working with the City of Elk Grove to keep cell antennas away from our public schools.  There is a draft letter you can customize and send.  There are email addresses for the board members.  Also, please copy me on your email to the school board.  Thank you for taking action!  

Mark Graham
Executive Director
Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes  

January 12, 2021



Volunteers wanted to participate in mailing campaign. Click for details.
School board meeting tonight. Write to school board to keep cell antennas away from EGUSD schools.
Brandy Vaughan, advocate for vaccine safety, murdered by Big Pharma.

Take Action Tuesday

Write to Elk Grove USD school board to keep new cell antennas away from schools.  


Questions?  Suggestions?  Feel free to send your ideas and offers to help!
From the City of Elk Grove interactive map showing approved new 4G and 5G cell antenna locations on City owned street lights.  



Volunteers wanted to participate in mailing campaign.
Our grassroots campaign needs you!

I am part of a team of Elk Grove residents who are printing, addressing and mailing letters to residents who have a cell antenna poised to be installed very close to their home.  The antenna location is approved by the city council but the City has not yet issued the permit.  Our 2 page letter shows the map of the  approved antenna location and nearby houses, application for the site permit, specs for the antenna, and some information/web links  about the dangers of having these close to where one lives.

It also shares exact ways to contact the City Council to have your voice heard. 

This is a time consuming and costly endeavor on this team’s part.  Please read the letter if you get one soon or in the future.  It’s from “Keep Cell Antennas Away from our Elk Grove Homes” or just “Keep Cell Antennas Away”. Our home webpage is  Thank you in advance for not making this a controversial issue but just a heads up that the letter is legitimate, and not a scam.

We could use a couple more team members to print the letters, mark the new cell antenna and the recipient's house on the map, address, seal, stamp and mail the envelopes.   We may transition to post cards which will provide less information but will also be easier and faster.  We could also use a volunteer who is internet savvy to put this message out on social media.  Your ideas are welcome.  You can be the change you want to see in the world!

If you are interested in helping please reply to this newsletter or contact us through our website or write to Mark [skip this part woo woo wooo!] {[at]} keepcellantennasaway [skip this part too nyuk nyuk nyuk] {[dot]} org.”

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School board meeting is tonight.  Please write to them.

The meeting already started but that does not matter.  You can still write to them. 

Despite our requests last Summer for the school district to work with the City to keep cell antennas away from Elk Grove public schools and despite the successful effort by the district and the City to get ATT to move its approved cell antenna site across the street away from Laguna Creek High School the school board has hidden from this issue. Repetition can succeed where the first request failed.

I also asked the school board to place my proposed agenda item on the agenda of a regular school baord meeting. The California Education Code and the school board's bylaws authorize this. There were 4 specific actions the school board can take to do this. Those were that the school district (authorized by the school board) can: 

  1. Cooperate with the City to get AT&T and Verizon to NOT install the new cell antennas that the City has approved near certain Elk Grove public schools but the City has not yet issued the permits;
  2. Pass a resolution opposing any new cell antennas within 1,500' of a school;
  3. Contact the telecom companies directly and ask them not to seek to put new cell antennas near schools; and 
  4. Hold an electromagnetic injury awareness day designed by District staff.

The school district can do all of these.  The proposed resolution is modeled after one that the Palo Alto USD passed not long ago.  Even though the City and the telecoms make the ultimate decisions as to where the new cell antennas will be the school district can influence those decisions.  Also, items 2 through 4 in that list do not require any cooperation by the City.  The proposed resolution asks for the City's cooperation, which is the first step to getting it. 

What the school district and board have done is claimed that providing education and ensuring the well being and health and safety of students in their schools is the City's responsibility and obligation, not the school district's.  They have it exactly wrong.  They are passing the buck, taking the easy way out.  This is why I am asking you to write to them tonight before the school board meeting if possible.  See the Take Action section of this newsletter for a draft public comment you can customize and send.  Scroll down or find it in the table of contents.  


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Brandy Vaughan, advocate for vaccine safety, murdered by Big Pharma.

This truly pissed me off and saddens me.  

Brandy Vaughan was a former drug company saleswoman (not sure of her exact title) for Merck, a huge, multi billion dollar drug company. She sold Vioxx, a pain killer that Merck knew caused heart attacks. Vioxx killed between 50,000 and 50,000 people from heart attacks in the 5 years it was on the market. It was pulled from the market and Merck paid out $4 billion in lawsuits and fines. Despite that Merck earned $10 billion profit. Brandy later launched a statin (type of drug) for Merck.

She left the company and began to research vaccines and vaccine safety because she had a newborn son. She moved to Europe where there are a lot fewer vaccines given to children and where children are much healthier and the infant death rate is much lower than in the U.S. She returned to the U.S. and founded Learn The Risk, a non profit dedicated to giving people information they need in order to make smart decisions regarding vaccines. Brandy devoted her life to this cause.  She reached 10,000 people a month through her newsletter.  She made 42 billboards that reached millions of people.  She spoke and made videos.  I heard her speak at the capitol in Sacramento a few years ago, probably 2015, whenever the Legislature was about to do SB276.  

The drug companies began to harass her to attempt to intimidate and silence her.  Brandy was a single mom.  Her son, Bastien, is 9 years old today.  They broke into her house while she was not there, moved things around, hacked into her bank accounts, and so on.  But Brandy was not to be deterred.  She kept up her work. 

On December 7 her son discovered Brandy dead in their house.  The sheriff's office began an investigation and I don't expect it to finish any time soon. 

What I believe happened is that Big Pharma murdered her for her advocacy, for exposing the massive scam that drug companies, the medical establishment and the government have been running for years, for decades, on vaccines.  As Brandy said there is no such thing as a safe vaccine.  Her website is full of information.  

Brandy was such a strong, dedicated, advocate, working for the health and safety of children all around the world, especially in the U.S.  She was a source of light and truth on this issue.  She worked very hard and very effectively to expose things that are very rarely exposed and yet affect almost everybody in the developed world.  And many millions of people in the less developed world too.  She was absolutely brilliant, as you can see from her videos. 
My heart hurts to know that this brilliant source of light and truth is gone forever.  I wish I could change that.  What I can do is show this to you and ask you to take a look and think critically.  

It is a despicable crime for Big Pharma to have murdered her.  And for them to be running their whole vaccine scam with the cooperation of the medical establishment and the government in the first place.  

It hurts to think about this.  I encourage you to find a video or 2 of Brandy on line and watch them, start to finish.  One that shows her in all her brilliance and eloquence, informing and persuading and being a source of light is this one: 

RIP Brandy Vaughan ~ Thank You ~ Learn The Risk ~ ICC ~ San Francisco ~9/25/2016

Another video of Brandy speaking is 

Ex Merck rep Brandy Vaughan

There will never be another Brandy Vaughan.  May she rest in peace and may her cause live on. 

But there is plenty we can do to ensure that her spirit lives on, that her message of hope and truth and real health continues to grow.  We can Learn The Risk.  Watch her videos, read her articles, do your own research on drug inserts and vaccine inserts (which list ingredients and adverse effects or "side effects", which sometimes include death).  Tell your family and friends.  Expect that many will not be receptive to the message because they have drank the Kool Aid.  They have bought the propaganda of Big Pharma and the medical establishment that vaccines are safe and effective, they are necessary, etc.  Make an informed choice.  

Think very carefully before you allow Big Pharma and their coopted doctors and nurses to put something into your arm – or your child's arm – with a needle when you don't know what it is.  There is poison in vaccines:  formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, sometimes animal tissue.  The science of vaccines is that they do not create immunity, despite the claims.  They create a temporary rise in antibodies.  The drug companies have immunity from any liability for lawsuits over death and serious injury caused by their products.  Look up the PREP Act and the Childhood Vaccination Act of 1986.  Look at the billions of dollars in profits, and in contracts between the government and Big Pharma.  Look into the CDC (Center for Disease Control) study on the MMR vaccine and autism in black children.  You will never hear about these things from the corporate mass media, which gets a huge amount of advertising money from Big Pharma.  
Thank you for reading.  I hope that this information is useful to you. 

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Write to Elk Grove USD school board to keep new cell antennas away from schools.

I have noticed that when I put a link in my newsletter to a draft letter that you can customize and send very few people actually do that.  From my last newsletter ZERO people wrote to either Kevin Spease (new City Council member) or Sean Yang (new board of education member) and copied me.  Zero.  None.  That was disappointing for a newsletter with 150 + subscribers, most of whom live in Elk Grove.  

Therefore I will put a draft letter in this newsletter.  

You will send it to the school board members and superintendent and his assistant.  Personalizing your message will make it stand out. 
Also please copy (cc or bcc) me on your email.  My email address is Mark [skip this part woo woo wooo!] {[at]} keepcellantennasaway [skip this part too nyuk nyuk nyuk] {[dot]} org  

Their email addresses are: 

<>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

January 12, 2021 

Board of Education Members, Supt. Hoffman, and Mr. Pierce, 

My name is [your name] and I live in Elk Grove.  I write to ask you to take action to influence decisions that will be made by the City and by AT&T and Verizon regarding the location of new 4G and 5G cell antennas near EGUSD schools.  Please respond to this email.  

It is time for the Board of Education and the Superintendent and his staff to accept and face the reality:  it is YOUR responsibility to look out for and protect the educational process and the health and well being of students and teachers in EGUSD schools.  Although the City of Elk Grove and AT&T and Verizon make decisions about where the new 4G and 5G cell antennas are going to be located there are several things the District can do that do not require any participation or involvement by the City.  These steps will serve the schools and the students. 

Also, the District can influence the decisions about where the new cell antennas will be located.

The school district (authorized by the school board) can: 
  1. Cooperate with the City to get AT&T and Verizon to NOT install the new cell antennas that the City has approved near certain Elk Grove public schools but the City has not yet issued the permits;
  2. Pass a resolution opposing any new cell antennas within 1,500' of a school, which resolution is modeled after one that the Palo Alto USD passed not long ago;
  3. Contact the telecom companies directly and ask them not to seek to put new cell antennas near schools; and 
  4. Hold an electromagnetic injury awareness day designed by District staff.
The school district can do all of these.  Even though the City and the telecoms make the ultimate decisions as to where the new cell antennas will be the school district can influence those decisions.  Also, items 2 through 4 in that list do not require any cooperation by the City.  The proposed resolution asks for the City's cooperation, which is the first step to getting it. 

What the school district and board have done is claimed that providing education and ensuring the well being and health and safety of students in their schools is the City's responsibility and obligation, not the school district's. You have it exactly wrong.  You are passing the buck, taking the easy way out. 

I ask you to place all of the items in the above list on the agenda of a regular school board meeting.  Receive a staff report with recommendations, receive public comments, have a discussion, and make a fully informed, intelligent decision on what is best for the schools, students and teachers of EGUSD. 

Please respond to this email.  


[Your name and address, if you choose, or your city.]

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How to use this newsletter

Dear Reader,

I am looking for some volunteers.  Will you join me?  A couple of hard core, dedicated people could double the impact this campaign is having.  There is more that we can do.  You might even enjoy it! 

The hyperlinks in this newsletter may work better if you view it in your browser. 

Please share this news with your friends and neighbors, especially parents of EGUSD students.  Please share this message and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Next Door too. 

Also, please send me your cell phone number.  It will be easier for us to stay in touch.  I will only use it for purposes of this campaign and you can unsubscribe from that at any time. 

Together we are stronger.  Thank you.
Mark Graham 

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City Council meetings and public comments

The next City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.  There will be a new Mayor, Bobbie Singh-Allen, and of course Kevin Spease as mentioned earlier. 

The Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month with some exceptions. 

You can say your public comments live during the meeting.  They will be part of the meeting video, which is mostly audio these days. 

City Council meeting agendas are available on the City's website.  You can also subscribe to be notified of new agendas, hearings, etc.  

Read more 

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