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Children’s Health Defense

Children’s Health Defense, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., does fantastic work in the area of children’s health including cell tower and cell antenna EMF, vaccines, and other aspects of children’s health. I recommend that you subscribe to their newsletter, called the Defender.

They have sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to force FCC to honestly assess the scientific evidence that shows that the FCC’s current EMF exposure limits are way too high and must be lowered.  On Monday, January 25, 2021 the U.S. Court of Appeals held oral arguments in their lawsuit, consolidated with the Environmental Health Trust lawsuit, against the FCC. Attorney Scott McCollough for CHD and EHT was just brilliant.

This newsletter was for their press conference held on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 but it also has links to many of the court documents for those of you who like reading court documents and also a lively and invigorating and hopeful description of their progress. Based on that hearing on Monday I think they are going to win this case. One of the judges told the FCC attorney that he is inclined to rule against FCC and asked her to explain why he shouldn’t. She rolled out the usual FCC lies and he did not appear to buy it.