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Petaluma ordinance

The City of Petaluma passed an ordinance in September, 2018 to protect itself and its residents’ interests against the assault of cell antennas.  Ordinance 2662 N.C.S. allowed cell antennas only in a “commercial or industrial zoning district where such antennas are permitted under this title, upon the issuance of a minor conditional use permit” subject to  seven basic requirements.  Among them are a minimum distance of 1,500′ between any two cell antennas and a 500′ setback from any home.  The preceding hyperlink is to the final, signed version of the ordinance ADOPTED this 10th day of September 2018.  

The City of Elk Grove can and should pass an ordinance similar to this one amending our zoning code.  Any agreements between Elk Grove and any wireless carrier should be consistent with this ordinance.

Here is an excerpt:

  1. 44. 095 Small Cell facilities – Basic Requirements.

Small Cell facilities as defined in Section 14. 44. 020 of this chapter may be installed, erected,
maintained and/ or operated in any commercial or industrial zoning district where such antennas
are permitted under this title, upon the issuance of a minor conditional use permit, so long as all
the following conditions are met:
A.  The Small Cell antenna must connect to an already existing utility pole that can support its weight.
B.  All new wires needed to service the Small Cell must be installed within the width of the existing utility pole so as to not exceed the diameter and height of the existing utility pole.
C.  All ground – mounted equipment not installed inside the pole must be undergrounded, flush to the ground, within three ( 3) feet of the utility pole.
D.  Each Small Cell must be at least 1, 500 feet away from the nearest Small Cell facility.
E.  Aside from the transmitter/ antenna itself, no additional equipment may be visible.
F.  Each Small Cell must beat least 500 feet away from any existing or approved residence.
G.  An encroachment permit must be obtained for any work in the public right- of-way.

Ordinance No. 2662 N. C. S. Page 5-6

The Marin Post, a local newspaper, wrote a news story about the meeting at which the Council passed the ordinance, describing the many residents who spoke in support of it.

Here is the agenda for the City Council meeting of September 10, 2018 at which the Council approved item #3F,

Adoption (Second Reading) of Ordinance 2662 N.C.S. Amending the City of Petaluma Municipal Code and Implementing Zoning Ordinance Regulating Small Cell Facilities. (Alverde/Tennenbaum) – Staff Report Revised with Agenda Revision No. 1 – Thursday, September 6, 2018.

Here is the ordinance:

More coverage of the Petaluma action can be found on this page on  It’s very detailed.