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Harmful Microwave Radiation Coming To A Nearby Telephone Pole – Unless Residents Voice Concerns

September 14, 2018

Elk Grove residents,

Please contact the Elk Grove Planning Commission, Planning Department and City Council to help prevent the imminent placement of dangerous 4G and 5G Small Cell Towers on a telephone pole near you. Then, please spread the news!

**Scroll down for “TAKE ACTION” suggestions.


On August 20, 2017 AT&T proposed an agreement with the City of Elk Grove and on January 25, 2018 AT&T and Cingular applied for a code amendment.  Both documents are to install “Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennae” (AKA ‘cell antennas in residential neighborhoods’) for 4G and 5G cell phone technology in Elk Grove.

The City Council has not given staff any direction on whether it wants an agreement with AT&T or what it does and does not want in such an agreement.  Despite this staff has been negotiating with AT&T on these items for months.  All details, including the staff’s basic goals and purpose in these negotiations, remain secret and unavailable to the public.

**Note: “Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennae” are also referred to as “5G Small Cell Antennas”, “Distributed Antenna Systems” (DAS), “Small Cell Towers”, and “Small Cell Facilities”.


Serious adverse health effects may result from the round-the-clock millimeter microwave radiation of these small cell antennae. Such millimeter microwave radiation is far more potent than anything previously experienced from the electromagnetic spectrum. Numerous peer-reviewed studies worldwide, including those by the World Health Organization and the US National Toxicology Program, demonstrate potential harm to humans, animals, and the environment from exposure to wireless radiation. The harmful effects include increased risk of cancer, genetic damages, cardiovascular problems, abnormal brain function, impaired fertility, memory deficits, headaches, insomnia, confusion, weakness, and structural and functional changes to the reproductive system.

For more detailed information:

  • Please click HERE to view the KPIX News Broadcast entitled; “Consumer Watch: 5G Cellphone Towers Signal Renewed Concerns Over Impacts On Health”;
  • Please click HERE to read the article by Merinda Teller MPH, PHD entitled; “Microwave Radiation Coming To A Lampost Near You”.


Wired networks, both optical fiber and copper, are a much better option than the harmful 5G wireless networks. According to the public policy report entitled; “Re-Inventing Wires; The Future of Landlines and Networks” – “Corporations invariably seek the cheapest, quickest, and most profitable path, which has led to the current emphasis on wireless…However, the mistaken upcoming 5G frenzy, with its millions of small cell antennas destined to clutter all neighborhoods and public right-of-ways, is dangerous, wasteful, and unnecessary.” Fiber optic cable is faster, more secure, more reliable, more energy efficient, more cost effective, healthier and safer than wireless networks.

Moreover, with fiber optic cable:

  • There is no radiation exposure;
  • There is less fire risk from overloading telephone poles;
  • Emergency response is faster and more accurate because of better location detection; and
  • It is cheaper in the long run.

Please click HERE to read the report by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy entitled; “Re-Inventing Wires; the Future of Landlines and Networks”.


A few community organizations and active residents have sent letters and follow-up materials to the Elk Grove Planning Commission and City Council.
A small group of residents met with Elk Grove Planning Director Darren Wilson.  The same group plans to meet with Members of the Planning Commission and City Council.

City’s Response: 

Neither the Council nor the Planning Department or Planning Commission has taken a position on the issue of permitting cell antennas in residential neighborhoods.  But negotiations on the AT&T proposed agreement and application for a code amendment are moving forward behind closed doors.

it is still very important for residents to contact the City and express concern about the dangers of the Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennae for 4G and 5G technology. The more residents that speak up, the more likely the  City will take strong, protective measures quickly.

TAKE ACTION: Please do the following:

1. Send letters or emails to the Elk Grove Planning Department, Planning Commission, City Council ASAP:  

Contact information for the City of Elk Grove is here:

Planning Department:  Write to Planning Manager Antonio Ablog at or call 916-627-3335.

Planning Commission:  Please contact Sandy Kyles (916) 478-3620 or and ask her to forward your message to the Planning Commissioners.  

City Council:  Write to City Clerk Jason Lindgren at

and ask him to forward your message to the Council Members.

You can send a letter to 8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758.

Suggested Message:

Here are two suggested messages, a short one and a long one.
Short message:

“Dear City of Elk Grove Planning Department, Planning Commission and City Council,

We are very concerned about the serious adverse impacts caused by the 24 hour a day microwave radiation from 4G and 5G cell antennas in residential neighborhoods.  There will be impacts on property values, appearance, noise, the environment and health.

AT&T has proposed an agreement and a code amendment to remove cell antenna permitting decisions from Elk Grove residents and the City Council.

Please put this topic on your agenda and prevent the installation of these dangerous antennas in the City of Elk Grove.


Your name and address”

Long message:

“Dear City of Elk Grove Planning Department, Planning Commission and City Council,

We are very concerned about the serious adverse impacts caused by the 24 hour a day microwave radiation from 4G and 5G cell antennas in residential neighborhoods.
AT&T has proposed an agreement with the City of Elk Grove, and AT&T and Cingular have applied for a code amendment, to facilitate the spread of cell powerful antennas in our residential neighborhoods.  These antennas would be installed on light poles and utility poles in the public right of way, right next to the sidewalk, for example, and very close to homes.  These cell antennas will have impacts on property values, appearance, noise, health and the environment.

The proposed agreement and code amendment would remove Elk Grove residents and our Planning Department, Planning Commission and City Council from the permitting process for these cell antennas.  The Department of Public Works, which does not hold public meetings, would make all permitting decisions.

Local residents must continue to be notified of and involved in City decisions that affect our lives.  The City Council and Planning Commission should retain control over all decisions on cell antenna permits.

The City has broad discretionary authority per state and federal law, including the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as interpreted by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, to regulate the placement and operation of these cell antennas.  Several cities in Northern California including Petaluma, Mill Valley, Hillsborough, and Monterey have already taken action to protect their interests and residents’ interests and health.  Other cities such as Napa and Sonoma are in the process.

Please put this topic on your agenda and prevent the installation of these dangerous antennas in the City of Elk Grove.


Your name and address”

2.  Attend an upcoming Elk Grove City Council Meeting –

Although the AT&T agreement and code amendment are not on the agenda yet, they will be soon, probably in November, 2018.  You can speak for up to 3 minutes during public comments on non-agenda items.

Regular meetings of the City Council are scheduled for the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and are held in the Council Chambers located at Elk Grove City Hall.

WHAT: Proposed agreement with AT&T and AT&T / Cingular application for a code amendment

WHEN:  Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6:00 PM

WHERE:  Elk Grove City Council Chambers, 8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758

3.  Attend an upcoming meeting of the Elk Grove Planning Commission

Although the AT&T agreement and code amendment are not on the agenda yet, they will be soon, probably in October, 2018.  You can speak for up to 3 minutes during public comments on non-agenda items.

The Planning Commission normally meets on the first and third Thursday of every month at 6:00 P.M. in City Council Chambers.

WHAT: Proposed agreement with AT&T and AT&T / Cingular application for a code amendment

WHEN:  First and third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM

WHERE:  Elk Grove City Council Chambers, 8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758  

4. Spread the news – Send a link to this article to all your email contacts in Marin County and post the link on Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor and other social media.

Thank you in advance for taking action. Together we can make a difference and protect our communities from harmful radiation!

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